28 Gladstone Street, Feilding New Zealand
06 323 5444

Conditions of Travel

Feilding Steam Conditions of Travel

1.By booking a trip on this rail event, intending passengers acknowledge and agree that when their booking is accepted by Feilding and Districts Steam Rail Society, they and all passengers included in their group covered by the booking are bound by the Feilding Steam Conditions of Travel
2.Feilding and District Steam Rail Society Inc, Kiwi Rail NZ Ltd, The Federation of Rail Organisations Inc and the owners, employees or operators of any locomotive, carriages, ships, coaches, vehicles or any equipment or venues used on this excursion accept no responsibility for loss or damage howsoever caused, to passengers travelling on this excursion.
3.The Society reserves the right to substitute the train and transportation as required for operational purposes.
4.The Society accepts no responsibility for any consequences of late running or varies schedules, including missed connections, however every attempt will be make to keep passengers informed of any such change or variations and the reason for them.
5.No Refunds of fares will be made for whatever reason passengers do not utilise the include rail event arrangements. No refunds of fares paid or any form of recompenese will be given as a result of any person missing any train, stop or coach on the railtour for whatever reason. Refunds will be issued if the rail event does not run, less any booking fee.
6.No Refunds will be given in the event of breakdown en-route or unavailability of the advertised means of conveyance
7.Passengers will be responsible for their own luggage and possesions at all times, including moving them to and from coaches, shuttles, trains, ships and hotels.
8.Passengers with disabilities requiring nursing or special attention must arrange for a companion/attendant to travel with them. Society officers and other passengers must not and cannot be expected to undertake such responsiblities on a continuing basis.
9.All standard conditions of carriage, accommodation and service applied by railway, ship operators, hotels, coach and other service providers engaged by the Society to provide passengers with services on the railtour will apply to all passengers.
10.If payment type Internet banking option is selected while booking an event you have 3 days to complete the transfer if not completed within these days FDSRS have the right to cancel your booking, unless you have organised payment arrangements with us.