28 Gladstone Street, Feilding New Zealand
06 323 5444

TR 701

TR 701

Status:FSR yard Vehicle Type:Diesel Locomotive
Class/No:TR 701TMS Type/No:TR 168
Year:1960Builder:A & G Price
Length:7 metersConfiguration:0-4-0
Speed:12 km/hTare:20.3 tons


192 built 1960 at A&G. Price Ltd to TR.168 (PR:150 h.p.)
TR . 168 in service 08/1960 (livery:NZGR Carnation/Midland Red)
TR . 168 renumbered c1978 to TR701
TR 701 (livery:NZR `Fruit Salad’ International Orange/Yellow BS 08e51/Grey BS 11A11 )