28 Gladstone Street, Feilding New Zealand
06 323 5444

Whanganui to Whangaehu train to the country

Whanganui to Whangaehu train to the country

Date: 14/06/15
Time: 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Location: Whanganui Rail Freight Centre

Fordell Tunnel

Fordell Tunnel

Take advantage of a rare opportunity to travel on a Steam Train for an affordable price.

Our Steam Engine Wab 794 will be in Whanganui on Sunday the 14th of June.

Its starts at the Whanganui Freight Centre and run to the Whanaehu crossing loop and return.  The train will cross the Whanganui River and go thru the Fordell Tunnel before arriving at the Whangaehu crossing loop.

This is a great opportunity to take a low cost train trip in the countryside.   It will allow families to experience a train ride that is not too long and not too short, just two hours.

This train will sell out well in advance, BOOK NOW.


When: Sunday 14th June 2015
Departs Whanganui 12 noon
Arrives Whangaehu: 12.40 pm
No Passengers off at Whangaehu.  Locomotive runs around train.
Departs Whangaehu: 1.00 pm
Arrives Whanganui 2 pm
Phone Enquiries: 06 3235444
Email Enquiries: rod@steamrail.org.nz

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This trip is full.   There are still seats available on our Trip from Feilding or Marton to Whanganui,  Click here


This trip is fully booked.